Happy Fall!
It is officially fall now! Those of us in South Florida know this as the temperature is only 85 degrees instead of 90!
There is a definite difference however!!
Now that it isn't so hot, lets get outside more and if you haven't started walking yet, now is the time!
As a physical therapist I counsel many people on how to start getting in better shape. There are many ways, but the easiest is to start walking. My sweet Great Dane, Misha, is a great walking partner! This picture shows her standing at the door hoping I will open it and we'll go out for a walk! You can time yourself and progress your walking each day by adding minutes or measure by distance and add a block every few days. The key, as with anything, is to be consistent! Just start with 20 minutes and work your way up from there.
And when you get home put on that diffuser! Burning a candle is equivalent to smoking for one hour! Use Young Living's special diffuser with our pure essential oils that support all aspects of your health. My favorite fall diffuser blends are :
5 drops Thieves 4 drops Christmas Spirit
3 drops Orange 2 drops cinnamon bark
2 drops nutmeg 2 drops orange
1 drop nutmeg
These recipes are found in the booklet: "Just Diffuse It!" You can order this from Growing Healthy Homes.
I wish you the best as you support your health with consistent exercise and lovely diffuser blends this season!