Fall health and diffuser blends

Fall health and diffuser blends
Happy Fall!
     It is officially fall now! Those of us in South Florida know this as the temperature is only 85 degrees instead of 90!
There is a definite difference however!!
     Now that it isn't so hot, lets get outside more and if you haven't started walking yet, now is the time!
As a physical therapist I counsel many people on how to start getting in better shape. There are many ways, but the easiest is to start walking. My sweet Great Dane, Misha, is a great walking partner! This picture shows her standing at the door hoping I will open it and we'll go out for a walk! You can time yourself and progress your walking each day by adding minutes or measure by distance and add a block every few days. The key, as with anything, is to be consistent! Just start with 20 minutes and work your way up from there. 
     And when you get home put on that diffuser! Burning a candle is equivalent to smoking for one hour! Use Young Living's special diffuser with our pure essential oils that support all aspects of your health. My favorite fall diffuser blends are :
                                                                       5 drops Thieves                                      4 drops Christmas Spirit
                                                                       3 drops Orange                                       2 drops cinnamon bark
                                                                       2 drops nutmeg                                       2 drops orange
                                                                                                                                       1 drop nutmeg
These recipes are found in the booklet: "Just Diffuse It!"  You can order this from Growing Healthy Homes.
I wish you the best as you support your health with consistent exercise and lovely diffuser blends this season!

Time for your health

Time for your health
Hey there!
Anyone else feeling like time is not only flying by but we don't have enough??
Maybe this is a general human struggle... or is it just me?
But there is one thing that needs to be a priority, after time with Jesus. 

And that one thing is our health.

After all, how much can we get done if we are too exhausted? or too stressed? or sick in bed? or at the doctor?

I don't think taking care of ourselves should take too long. We all know we need some kind of exercise daily. I suggest that this is done first thing in the morning! A walk outside refreshes the soul. I have found Christian yoga online (during Covid) and I combine my devotions with my exercise! (Caroline Williams is wonderful!)
Eating right starts with the right mindset and what you put in your grocery cart! It's really hard to pig out on cookies if you didn't buy them in the first place, right?!
Avoiding toxins helps support our health and immune system as well. I have found one company I trust, Young Living, that has everything from make up to whole food supplements that help me be toxin free and healthier. Its super easy to order and I get back 25% in reward points every month too. Sweet...

Follow me for classes and health tips on instagram: @essential oil mom and on FB: Life Energy Oils.
Make the time to take care of you and your family. I promise you won't regret that time well spent!

Welcome to my new website!

Welcome to my new website!
Welcome to my new website!
     I am passionate about good health and wellness, and I have been for over 30 years!
As a physical therapist I am constantly encouraging those on my path to move, stay active and eat the food "that God made!"
Well, if you have known me for very long you know I am also passionate about Young Living and their essential oils and products. Frankly, they have changed my life!
     Next Saturday I will be hosting a class on Essential Oils and Hormones. Progessence Plus is one of Young Living's products that changed my life (along with Ningxia Red!). I call it my happy oil! A few years ago I began using this luxurious serum to give me support through perimenopause and now in menopause! No hot flashes or fatigue for me!
Ya'll, these oils are the real deal and they work to support a healthy lifestyle!
I'd love to have you join me for the Hormone class this Saturday Aug. 21, 21 at 11:00am. 

There are many ways to contact me: phone 561-239-8802, email: LifeEnergyOils@gmail.com, and on Face Book https://www.facebook.com/jeffcarol.bercaw.3 and Instagram as #essentialoilmom 

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